There are more than 700 types of pure bred dogs in the world. They were first domesticated by cavemen in the Paleolithic Age. Here are some interesting facts about dogs.
- Dogs can register sounds of 35,000 vibrations a second where as a human can only hear 20,000 vibrations.
- A German shepherd has smell sensory cells of 220,000,000 where as a human has only 5,000,000 cells
- Theobromine in chocolates, a substance similar to caffeine, can kill the dogs, or at the very least make them seriously ill.
- The tallest dogs are the Great Dane and the Irish wolfhound. The smallest dogs are the Chihuahua, Yorkshire terrier and Toy Poodle.
- The oldest age recorded for a dog is 29 years and 5 months.
- The world's heaviest and longest dog is an English Mastiff named Zorba which weighed 3423 pounds and eight feet three inches long from nose to tail.
- Laika was the world's first ever space astronaut dog which was sent into space in 1957 by the Russian government.
- Greyhounds can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour in short bursts.
- In Second World War, Russians trained dogs to run suicide missions between the tracks of German tanks with mines strapped on their backs.
- In the Middle Ages, Mastiffs used to be dressed in light armor to which was strapped a pot of flaming sulphur and were then made to run into battle against mounted knights.
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